Foredrag med Eleana Kim d. 11. oktober

TÆNKETANKEN ADOPTION har æren af at invitere til et foredrag med adoptionsforsker og antropolog Eleana Kim, lørdag den 11. oktober, 2014 (kl. 14-16). Foredraget handler om adoptionsaktivisme og adoptionspolitik i Sydkorea.

Eleana Kim er en af de absolut førende forskere i transnational adoption fra Sydkorea, så gå ikke glip af denne chance. Foredraget finder sted på engelsk.

Sted: Kulturhuset Indre By, Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, 1359 København

Billetter koster 25 kr. plus gebyr på 5 kr. og de kan købes via Billetto. Købte billetter refunderes ikke. Tilmelding registreres først, når billetten er købt.

Der er gratis adgang for støttemedlemmer, men husk at reservere plads via Billetto.

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Spørgsmål om arrangementet kan rettes til Lene Myong:


In English:

TÆNKETANKEN ADOPTION (THINK TANK ADOPTION) is hosting a public lecture by adoption scholar Eleana Kim. The lecture will take place on October 11, 2014 (2 pm – 4 pm).

Tickets are available through Billetto. Price: DKK 25 plus a fee DKK 5.


For questions please contact Lene Myong:


Korean adoptees have been at the vanguard of adoption movements –from returns to the birth country to social activism around adoption politics. This talk will discuss adoption migrations and activism over the past three decades, as well as the ongoing challenges to adoption reform and adoptee rights.

About Eleana Kim:

Eleana Kim (Ph.D., NYU) is an associate professor of anthropology at University of California, Irvine. She has researched transnational adoption from South Korea, with a focus on the perspectives of adult adopted Koreans, since 1999. Her book, Adopted Territory: Transnational Korean Adoptees and the Politics of Belonging, was published in 2010 by Duke University Press, and it received the James B. Palais Prize from the Association of Asian Studies and the Social Science Book Award from the Association of Asian American Studies.


Skærmbillede 2014-09-23 kl. 22.40.36