Kom og vær med, når Tænketanken Adoption afholder et dobbelt-arrangement lørdag den 16. januar fra kl. 14-16.
Sted: Kulturhuset Indre By, Charlotte Ammundsens Pl. 3, 1359 København K
Fra kl. 14-15 er der foredrag og diskussion med Sabina Ivenäs, ph.d. studerende ved University of Washington, der holder oplæg om, hvordan adopteredes identitet konstrueres i svensk adoptionslitteratur.
About Sabina Ivenäs
Unlike the other Scandinavian Countries, Swedish adoption literature is published in the genre of children and adolescent literature. Consequently, the focus is on the adopted child, “adoptivbarnet”, who in my opinion never seems to become a grown up in Swedish adoption literature.
In this presentation, I will discuss the influence of pedagogy on Swedish adoption literature. I will argue that Swedish adoption literature has had greater pedagogical purposes when compared to adoption literature in Norway and Denmark. These pedagogical purposes invite the adoptee subject to a split and ambivalent adoptee identity, and the adoptee subject is thereby taught to have a relatively complicated relationship to adoption. This starts in childrens literature, which is often written by adoptive parents, but continues up to the adolescent literature written by grown up adoptees. The “take-home message” in this literature is that adoptees should learn to live with being “different” and that they should continue to be subject of the Swedes’ projected fantasies about Otherness. Through this pedagogic, and in part capitalistic, approach, the Swedish “adoption story” is constructed. It appears as easy to read, exotic and satisfying.
This presentation is partly build on my dissertation with the working title “Made in Scandinavia – The Literary Negotiation of the Scandinavian Transnational Adoptee Identity” (work in progress) and the course “Children’s Literature in Scandinavia” which I teach at University of Washington, Seattle.
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Fra kl. 15-16 er der lancering af en ny international antologi om slægtskab: Critical Kinship Studies (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015). Antologien vil blive introduceret af dens redaktører: Charlotte Kroløkke, Lene Myong, Stine Willum Adrian og Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen.
Læs mere om Critical Kinship Studies her:
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